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Orla Kelly Publishing (OKP) Terms and Conditions for online courses

Licence of Use for your chosen course

When you enrol in a course with OKP we confirm:

  • Your access to your course is non-exclusive: You can grant the same license to everyone who enrols in the same course.
  • Your course is non-transferable: Students cannot transfer the rights to someone else.
  • You are not allowed to sublicensable: Students cannot sublicense the license.
  • Your course is limited: Only the specified rights are transferred.
  • Your access to the course can be revocable: You retain the right to revoke the license if terms are violated.

Online Course guidelines

Payment For the Course

a) The student shall pay their fee in full prior to the course starting. OKP may offer instalment arrangements, but this is on a case-by-case basis and any offer should be treated as fully binding and all payments must be made but the date schedule outlined in agreement.
b) Each amount stated to be payable by the student to OKP under this Agreement shall be (a) paid by online payment processor via the Website or course provider website; (b) subject to any applicable tax being applied depending on the country requirements in the student’s country of domicile and (c) shall be paid without set-off or counterclaim, and free and clear of and without deduction or withholding for or on account of any taxes.

Provision Of Services

a) Once you have enrolled, you will receive an email detailing the arrangements for your course about the course materials, the release of same and the schedule for training calls.

b) The student agrees to ensure that they have the necessary technical requirements to complete the course.

c) The student has a right of cancellation within 7 days if the course has not been accessed for the first time. If the student has accessed the course, then OKP will treat each request on a case-by-case basis.

g) We will use reasonable skill and care in the performance of the services. We will provide the services in accordance with the course description which is set out on our website or
website where course material is stored, or which was made available to you in our prospectus or other promotional materials. We reserve the right to update or amend our course materials as deemed necessary by us depending on best practice changes and in order to provide quality content and course materials.

h) The student accepts and acknowledges that this is a self-taught, guided, instruction course on how to publish a book which requires input and work on the part of the student. The student accepts it is not a “done for you” service. The course is offered on the basis that the student will follow the course instructions and guidelines and will complete the tasks assigned. We will provide some additional resource links should students want to outsource aspects of the required tasks.

i) All representations, warranties and/or terms and/or commitments not expressly set out in these terms (whether implied by law, conduct, statute or otherwise) are hereby excluded to the maximum extent permissible at law.

Guided Courses

OKP offers a variety of courses. Some of them may allow students to work at their own pace. Other courses are designed around a timeframe with a start and end date. OKP will lead this course with a set topics at certain points in the course. OKP may also hold online live zoom sessions during the course to answer any questions. These sessions may be recorded for the student to access recordings after they have taken place. OKP may also ask students to submit questions prior to each session to make sure all areas are covered and that there is no duplication of topics. Each zoom session will be limited to an hour in length, unless stated or agreed otherwise.

Use of AI tools

OKP is aware that AI tools can be used when zoom recordings are taking place. OKP does not permit the use of AI tools to enter and transcribe the session due to the confidential nature of the recording. Students should feel free to ask questions in an open, transparent, and confidential manner and as such AI tools (given their anonymity) are not conducive to this environment. If OKP sees an AI tool entered as a guest, they will raise this as an issue before the recording begins.

Sharing of Personal Data

OKP understands that during the guided courses, students will become familiar with one another and may wish to connect. OKP is not responsible for any communication that takes place outside of the OKP platform and any sharing of data between people is entirely the responsibility of the students involved.

OKP would like to note that no screenshots of the zoom sessions may take place without the express permission of the entire group. OKP may publish pictures of the training session on their social media account, but this is captured with the permission of group and anyone who does not want to part-take or be identified can take steps to close off their camera and/or remove their name from the screen.

Your Use of The Course Materials

In consideration of receipt by us of the course fee, we grant to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence for you to use the course materials for the sole purpose of the student’s personal use. Save as expressly set out in these terms, you may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way any of the course materials. Any use of the course materials not expressly permitted in these terms is strictly prohibited and will constitute an infringement of our copyright or our other intellectual property rights. Students are not permitted to record the training calls.

Governing Law And Disputes

In the event of any dispute of any nature whatsoever arising between the parties on any matter provided for in, or arising out of this agreement, the Irish law will apply, and the appropriate courts of the Republic of Ireland will have jurisdiction.

Entire Agreement

These terms and any policies or operating rules posted by us on this page or in respect to our course constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between you and us and govern your use of the course platform, superseding any prior or contemporaneous agreements, communications and proposals, whether oral or written, between you and us (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of these terms). Any ambiguities in the interpretation of these terms shall not be construed against the drafting party.

Contact Information

You may contact us by e-mail at the following address:

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